News ID: 2288
Publish Date : 03 April 2018 - 09:15

Are Self-Driving Vehicles Reliable?

Self-Driving is one of the most developing advanced technologies in automotive industry, but there is a great doubt that how much we can rely on these cars and this technology?
Khodrocar – Autonomous vehicles are developing and they are going to be available in global markets. With this happening, the human will no longer have anything to do with the driving and the computer will do everything.

The researches on this technology is reaching its peak these days and the transportation companies like Uber are starting to use these cars. However, the technology of these vehicles are not so advanced and the vehicle is not able to control everything: Still a human is needed to drive or control the vehicle.

Recently, a self-driving vehicle killed a person and that questioned the safety of this technology and the artificial intelligence. These self-driving cars are expected to reach 21 million by the year 2035.

Despite the expectation of self-driving booms, the recent accident that killed a person was some kind of disappointment. On March 18, the autonomous vehicles created an incident again in Arizona. One of Uber’s self-driving vehicles hit a 49-year-old woman and killed her.

Following the accident, Uber said that it would stop all its self-driving vehicles in US and Canada.

The point is that, all of Uber’s self-driving cars have a driver behind the wheel but according to the police, the vehicles which caused the accident, didn’t have a driver.
Following the accident, "NVidia” announced that it will stop testing these vehicles in US, Japan and Germany.

Uber was found innocent in this accident because the woman was crossing the road, far from pedestrian crossing but the main problem is the safety of these vehicles. They have very advanced radars, which are able to locate and recognize humans, animals, and obstacles even in the dark, but none of these technologies were able to prevent the accident.

Khodrocar Reporter: Fazel Suri
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh